Philosophy Cards

Ever thought of having your self-creation in the philosophical? The Philosophy Card created by Melanie is focused on the philosophy of Existentialism as compared to the traditional way of finding meaning, self-discovery.  Philosophy Card is a combination of tarot cards structures with philosophic concepts.

The traditional tarot deck is made up of 78 cards: Major Arcana cards-22, Minor Arcana cards-40, and Court cards-16. Each of the cards has a meaning attached to it. However, the interpretation of the cards shifts depending on the position of the card in the layout and its interaction with the other cards, allowing for extensive interpretations of the cards based on how their placement and symbolism are viewed.

For the Philosophy Cards, they interpret and as well as preserving the structure of the tarot cards. The cards focus on the role of freedom, infinite freedom!

What if I Don’t Know Anything About Philosophy?

The good thing about Philosophy Cards is that you don’t need to have any knowledge of philosophy to use the cards. The cards will help you learn philosophy. When you buy the philosophy cards, you will get a guide book that explains in simple words the philosophical concepts which are relevant to each card. Philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Simon De Beauvoir, and Friedrich Nietzsche take center stage in Philosophy Cards. So you get insights about yourself and learn the philosophic ideas in a fun and straightforward way!

The philosophical cards will be hand-drawn by the fantastic artist Tom McCloskey. The philosophy card has an excellent quality that is drawn in a Stonehenge paper with ink, gouache, and gesso. The back of the cards has a unique abstraction on the Greek symbol. The designs were made by the amazing graphic artist Silvia Lasmar and the card back with have a gold-foiled stamp.

The Inspiration

Philosophy Cards are over eight years in the making! As a philosophy teacher, Melanie has a great passion for Philosophy, Art, and education. The cards are a reflection of her love, and the philosophy cards have a bit of philosophy, beautiful artwork and they are also a teaching tool. The card is an entertaining two-person activity.

Philosophy Cards are fun and exciting ways of learning, as philosophy is presented in an entertaining and readable style. The Philosophy Cards will motivate self-reflection; it will cultivate the imagination and help to develop critical thinking skills. The cards will play a part in advancing your understanding of philosophy, and someday will be the centralized location in the cultural sphere.

Embrace your existential freedom and create the future you desire.

Tarot Readings

Yes, go ahead. The essence of Philosophy Cards is different from that of a traditional tarot deck, and it would be interesting to give it a try. Those who purchased the deck as a reward option will receive their decks no later than July 2020. We will be submitting final files to our printer at the start of 2020 and will hopefully have our physical proof in hand to show you soon after.