Manahil from Multan Pakistan send us her beautiful picture. This picture was captured in front of mirror by Sabih her young sister. She is regular visitor of and really loves this. She says this is a nice blog to share picture and bios with your friends and also exchange ideas. She sends us some face beauty tips.
Manahil writes that face is the window to your heart. A smiling face can to wonders and a glowing clear face adds to your personality. Taking care of your face is really important. Aging signs are first seen on face and neck, it is important that you take care of your skin early on to avoid the signs of aging. There are few basics on face care which will ensure lasting beauty and glowing skin.
First basic step is to clean the face of the debris and pollution.
Lastly it is necessary to moisturize your skin. This will sum up your face care and will leave your skin all glowing and subtle.