Love, it’s not just a word everyone uses, it’s a deep concept and a true choice. In marriage we make commitment to each other from bottom of heart through our actions. Love is not just a list you can check off. It’s a way of life, living, thinking and doing.
Love and Crush, these two are different concepts, which have been mixed up by people. It can be terribly wrong if we blend them together. Crush is a choice and you may or may not follow it and in love you have no options. Crush is temporary infatuation while love is about soul bonding. Love is magic but crush is fairy tale.
Do you know your love language? Everyone has a preferred “love language”, but not everybody knows well enough to know what it is. And maybe they even know their love / spouse’s love language.
Love language (kærlighedssprog) concept has been developed by Gary Chapman, Ph.D., a renowned marriage therapist and author of The 5 Love Languages. It provides insights into how people show their love to each other. There is no perfect book about love, but Five Love Languages (kærlighedssprog) is most important read on love.
5 love languages:
Words of Affirmation: This language is all about vocally affirming your loved ones. Think lots of “I love you,” “You’re so awesome,” “I’m so proud of you.” This true affirmation will create your habit that will change your love life.
Acts of Service: It is true that actions speak louder than words. Instead of having a partner gush about their love, people with this love language would show it by volunteering to do a chore, offering up an indulgent massage, or making dinner.
Receiving Gifts: Gifts are another way to your love. It’s not necessarily to buy expensive gifts—even small gifts like flowers or magazines can speak volumes.
Quality Time: Lover need your time and proper attention; this could be best gift for your partner. People with this love language feel most loved when their partner switches into airplane mode for date night.
Physical Touch: Sometimes nothing says I love you like holding hands, sharing a shower, or a good old-fashioned make out session.