Talking about girls’ attitude to sex, if someone tells you that it’s difficult to do a good turn to her, then this person will be right and wrong at the same time. What’s the matter? The matter is that men are unpretentious and not so elegant in sex. They are easy to understand, and they always tell directly or hint about their desires. The things are different with girls. Girls are more sensitive and understand sex differently. The psychological aspect of sex is not less important than a physical one, doing a good turn to a girl.
Make sincere compliments.
Sex does not begin with penetration and not even with a kiss but with a compliment. Especially it applies to women because they get an orgasm not only on the physiological level but also on the psychological one. It is important for them to feel sexually at all stages of sex, including the preparatory.
So, for this reason, it is very important to be able to make compliments. You should not make insincere compliments because there is nothing worse than words that are full of lies. On the contrary, you should reveal the virtues of the girl, doing a good turn to her, and tell everything tenderly.
Use different poses.
If you want to achieve a normal result on the field of a bed battle, then you need to become a little more professional. You should know different options of sex technique, learn new poses – maybe, even master sex positions for a threesome, learn to control your ejaculation (how to speed up, or, conversely, slow down the process).
This requires not only practice but also a general theoretical understanding of how this or that pose should look. In some cases, the pose plays a decisive role when helping a girl to achieve an orgasm. That is if you see that something is not going well and the girlfriend does not feel pleasure then try to change the pose.
If necessary, use a lubricant.
Even if it is not necessary, you still need to think about it because the lubricant is needed not only to facilitate penetration but also to make sex more comfortable and help a girl have an orgasm. Even if it’s about oral sex, then the lubricant can be an excellent flavor addition, seriously, there is a lubricant with different flavors. The lubricant can smell pleasantly and the smell, whatever you think, plays one of the leading roles in sex: partners choose each other by smell, even when it comes to people.
Do not think only about yourself.
This is one of the most objective and standard rules for dealing with any girl. If you think about satisfying only your sexual needs then you will never be able to satisfy a woman. Why is it so? Your desires within sex may just differ from her desires and sometimes very drastically.
This can be expressed in the desire of tempo and can be expressed in various fetishes. Your girlfriend may like something non-standard, something that she has not told you yet, so you need to find that out and only then start a sexual experience that will be aimed not just at sex but at meeting exactly her needs.
Create ideal conditions.
In the end, the joy of your partner from sex depends only on you: on your skills and erotic sets that you will not be afraid to use in the process. However, there are still external circumstances that create an atmosphere. It can be anything, starting with the sound of a drill in the next apartment and ending with the right temperature in the house.
If your girlfriend suffocates from the heat then what kind of pleasure can we talk about? So, first of all, you should clean up your apartment, prepare dinner, adjust the temperature, close the curtains, find good music, change your bed linen and do everything to bring the coming sex to the ideal at the start.