Sex in a Relationship

Have you ever heard someone saying that sex is not important for a healthy relationship? We neither. Aside from asexual couples (which is totally fine), people have sex and make it an integral part of their relationship and communication.

Trying to answer the question “how to have better sex”, you should begin with realizing – is that something wrong you do in bed? If the answer is “no”, you should think of ways to make your sex better. Spicing it up and making it more exciting is not all that hard. But do you know the rules of great sex in a relationship? With the help of our friends from pina-love, we gathered some of the most significant ones. Dive in!

Hansika Relationship

  1. Talk about sex. Discussing things in a relationship is extremely important. But when it comes to sex, people tend to avoid talking about it, finding it somewhat embarrassing and strange. Isn’t it dumb? You and your significant other are probably the closest people to each other in the entire world – and you have a taboo. Sounds odd, eh? And it is.
    You need to learn each other, know the preferences, secret desires etc. Don’t try to act like your last night’s sex fail didn’t happen. Talk about it, try to find the root of problems. It will significantly better your sex life.
  2. Set some goals. In everyday life, we achieve something all the time. Why don’t you implement this concept in your sex life? Some competition may change things completely. Write out some positions and places you want to try out; check out if some BDSM practices excite you; try role-playing.
    Create a list and think of a proper deadline for it. Gamification only makes everything better. But don’t overdo it. For instance, a threesome may work for some couples, but not for everyone.

    5 Rules of Better Sex in a Relationship

  3. P0rn may work for you. Watching p0rn together might seem like a bizarre idea. Put it this way – watching people having sex on a screen may lead you to another kind of sexual excitement; just imagine how excited you can get watching porn videos together. It can also play an educational role.
    Even though a professional p0rn production creates a somewhat un-achievable image, you can still learn something from the actors – positions, dirty talks, scenarios etc.
  4. Date nights are also a thing. Do you remember how you used to spend a lot of time strolling while holding hands? Having late diners in fancy restaurants? Watching stars and drinking wine all night? As relationships develop, date nights become rare. Likewise, your passion may dry out. Get back to those nostalgic days! It may help you get your sex life back on track, too.
  5. Spend a weekend together. Get some old movies, cook meals together and spend all weekend snuggling in bed. Of course, have a lot of sex. When you don’t rush into things and have a lot of time to get each other excited, thing might turn out to be totally different. Many couples suffer from the lack of time to have proper sex, which means that they omit foreplay to get directly to penetration. Maybe, this romantic weekend can help you reinvent your sex life.

All in all, the most important rule is to learn each other and talk about what bothers you, especially when it comes to sex. Clearly enough, great sex is yet another indication of a healthy relationship. And how healthy is yours?